Netflix Revealed a trailer for Blood Line: Rebel Moon Gamean upcoming video game set in the world of Zack Snyder Rebellious Moon Movie franchise.
Here's a first look at the game:
The upcoming mobile game is described as an online co-op game where players take on the role of rebels, choosing from a range of character classes to reclaim the planet from the Mother World. The game is being developed by Super Evil Megacorp, whose businesses include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shattered Destiny and vain glory.
According to lead product manager Samuel Hart, the game will be a “definitive mobile action experience”, with the game featuring a “full narrative campaign” that can be played in co-op. Customization will be a core component of the game, with “deep level loadouts” providing players with “endless theory crafting”. The experience has also been built from the ground up for mobile platforms, with “best-in-class touch controls, gamepad support, and console-quality graphics”.
As described by Super Evil Megacorp design director Robert Gallerani, the game features four character classes: The Banner Guard (Tank), The Forsaken (Assassin), The Kindred (Sniper), and The Evoker (Healer). It was also revealed that the game will be a live service title, with regular updates coming over time to support the game and add content.
Blood Line: Rebel Moon Game It will launch in 2025 exclusively on the Netflix mobile app. Closed beta test It is also scheduled to be released before its official launch.
Kevin is a Master Race player again on PC and has a penchant for “failure” games like Darksiders 3 and Dead Space 3He made it his life's mission to play every major game release – so that his wallet wouldn't die trying.