Bank of Singapore Identifies Misuse of Medical Benefits Program


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The Bank of Singapore (BOS) recently took decisive action against employees who misused the bank’s medical benefits program. According to reports, up to 40 staff members were terminated following an internal investigation into inappropriate medical insurance claims. Here are the key details:


  • Investigation: BOS launched an investigation in 2023 after discovering irregularities in employee medical claims related to one of its company panel clinics. The clinic in question is Thompson & Thomson (RadLink Medicare), located in CIMB Plaza and part of the Fullerton Health network.
  • Claimable Items: BOS’ medical insurance scheme allows employees to claim up to $10,500 for medical and dental expenses. Eligible items include outpatient consultations, medications, non-aesthetic dental services, vaccinations, X-rays, and blood tests.
  • Misuse Detected: Some staff members submitted claims for items that were not permitted, including supplements, bird’s nest, and skincare products. These unauthorized claims triggered the investigation.

Investigation Outcome

  • Terminations: As a result of the investigation, up to 40 employees were dismissed from the bank. Hundreds of employees were involved in the internal review process.
  • Repayment and Bonuses: Staff found to have misused their medical benefits were required to repay the amounts they had claimed. Additionally, some employees did not receive their usual bonuses.
  • Confidentiality: BOS declined to provide specific details about individual cases, citing confidentiality. However, the bank emphasized its commitment to a fair and robust investigative process.

Clinic’s Response

  • No Contractual Relationship: Drs Thompson and Thomson (DTT), the clinic at the center of the investigation, clarified that it has no contractual ties with BOS. Although DTT is under Fullerton Health, the bank is not a client of the healthcare group.


The BOS case highlights the importance of maintaining integrity in benefit programs and enforcing policies consistently. As organizations strive to provide employee benefits, vigilance is essential to prevent misuse and ensure fairness for all staff members.

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The Bank of Singapore’s actions demonstrate its commitment to upholding ethical standards and ensuring responsible use of employee benefits. Let us learn from this case and promote transparency and accountability in all organizations.

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