The Singapore Dream « Experience « Opinion « TR EMERITUS


Box 1

The Singapore Dream is no longer solely about material success. It now encompasses fulfilment, meaning and purpose in people’s lives- Lawrence Wong (LW) at the launch of the Forward Singapore Festival, 27 October 23.

Box 2

LW said all the right things but isn’t the proof of the pudding is in the eating, no? Let me explain.
Singapore is without doubt a very expensive place to live, to bring up a family and/or to retire etc.

Whether we like it or not, we live in a material world and we are all material beings. The pursuit of fulfilments, meaning and purpose in people’s lives are all noble, well and worthy values but they don’t pay the bills or bring food for our family. They can only occupy second place after materialism is satisfied.

My first reaction and the first thought that came to my mind when I read LW’s exhortation was to smile and ask why is he saying all that when pap ministars know how to pay themselves the world’s highest political salaries on one hand and here he is telling Singaporeans not to solely pursue material success, ie, the 5Cs on the other hand?

Box 3

LW’s call is to me, at best, idealistic and at worse, hypocrisy. Period.

If the pap government is no longer able to create good paying jobs for its citizens, unable to create the sort of environment for young people to thrive, succeed and prosper, then it must seriously make way for people who can or are at least trying. Absolutely nobody is indispensible. Not even the pap.

Despite saying all the right things, to me, LW’s exhortation was hollow and empty. If I were a younger person, I might be swayed by his eloquence but I am sorry to say that I am old enough to know and wise enough to see through what is right and what is politically correct.

Box 4


Simon Lim


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